Lizzie’s transformation story….

As a Personal Trainer, I often get approached by clients on the run up to something big, be it the festive season, a summer holiday, or most of all, a wedding.

These are huge moments in people’s lives, and they want to make sure it’s a transitional one and marks the occasion perfectly. So what better way than to get your health and fitness back - and reach a weight you have always wanted to achieve.

Lizzie came to me after being recommended by one of her friends who attends our group sessions.

She had four months to go before she was due to get married, and she confessed that she had tried on a few dresses but was really unhappy as to how they looked - and she felt awful in them.

She had happily been a size 16 for years, but didn’t like the way she looked in a white dress - and a wedding, in her own words ‘wasn’t a place where you can put on the old faithful black dress to hide everything’.

So she knew she had to do something.

Lizzie has a stressful job which takes up a lot of hours, and enjoys food - but even the thought of dieting made her feel hungry - and she also didn’t want to go to a ‘diet’ club where you just turn up to get weighed and talk about food.

She asked one of her friends if she knew of anywhere to go, and she immediately suggested coming to group sessions at Ambition Personal Training, which she did, and mixed up with one-to-one sessions. She was also after advice on diet, and not so worried about what the numbers on the scales said, but looking to tone up and feel fab.

When we met up, Lizzie told me she hated gyms and was also on a tight budget, so didn’t want to be tied down to a contract for more than three months - not to mention was scared of getting told off by a personal trainer who would shout at her for not being fit enough....

She also admitted to me that she did have periods of her life when she would exercise for a few weeks, but then would stop - and her main routine would be walking her dog twice a day, around her hectic work schedule.

So I immediately knew we could help her. We don’t go for scare tactics, we don’t jump around and shout at people who can’t ‘perform’ and we certainly aim to be supportive and inspire people to see that exercising can be fun, and once people start to see results, it is addictive and you want to push yourself, so it isn’t just us doing all the work.

Lizzie booked her first session and was slightly nervous when she turned up, but we took things gently, we made sure she had great technique to avoid injury and was eased into things - rather than going all out and hurting so much the next day she would never want to set foot inside any gym ever again.

She told me that she loved the sessions from the beginning and I could see she was soon gaining confidence by mixing up the sessions, from personal training to group work - and she also found some new friends along the way.

Lizzie also got the confidence to try on more dresses - and when she found ‘the one’ it was only two sizes smaller than she was, and she now had a great goal to work towards. She had three months to lose enough weight to fit into it, with our help and support, some dietary advice and regular training sessions, she kept on target.

We also had her out of her comfort zone, attending early Saturday morning TRX sessions, doing handstand challenges and even enjoying the workouts, rather than fearing them.

With a close eye on progress, Lizzie hit her target with a few weeks to go before her big day - and we must say, she looked absolutely stunning in her dress. It not only fitted perfectly, but she was toned, healthy and happy to start life as a married woman. Lizzie had lost 10kg, gone down at least two dress sizes, and was also able to dance the night away without even breaking a sweat as she was so fit.

We are so proud of what she achieved, and want to congratulate her on reaching her goal and on having such a lovely day...FAB work Lizzie!

Raul Romero